Saturday, July 08, 2006

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I love ya tomorrow...

Oh man. I LOVED Annie with a passion that frightened my parents. I still love that movie. I own an old VHS copy that I've watched with the girls.

FYI, Aileen Quinn (Annie) hasn't worked in movies since doing voiceovers in the late 80's, but she's listed as a cast member in 30 which is in postproduction.

Anyway, tomorrow will be another dreaded food shopping trip. Oh boy!

I joined a gym today. Yay me! They don't have childcare on Sunday, so I'll start on Monday. Tomorrow will be the last day before the first day of the rest of my life. :-)

I'm really looking forward to going, but I'm scared too. I need to lose the rest of the baby weight. It's driving me insane. The prospect of being at a more reasonable weight is just lovely. I've never joined a gym before, though. I'm nervous about working out in front of everyone. Plus I'm not always the most independant person. It comes in fits and spurts, but overall, I'm secretly timid. Some people who know me are shocked by that. Those who have lived with me, though, know that I don't even like to call to order Chinese food.

So I'm afraid I'll be too timid to try some of the equipment. Will I be too scared to take the yoga class or head towards the pool? Luckily a personal trainer is included with the cost and she's there all day every day. They start you off with a routine and every 30 days, they look at your results and make necessary changes. That helps.

Still, I'm nervous.

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