Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just when you think it's safe to leave the computer...

Seriously, people, I was away from the computer for one day--ONE FREAKING DAY. I promise it was nothing personal. I was just busy today. When I opened my Google Reader, it laughed at me. I swear it cackled at me. Between guffaws, it hissed, "Bet you won't leave me alone like that again, huh? That'll teach ya."

Damn it, people. WTF happened today? Blogs on my list that rarely have entries or that only have one entry a day are overflowing. WTF? Did someone pour verbosity over their cornflakes this morning? CUT IT OUT!

GAH! I'm too tired and it's too close to bed time to catch up with you all (and find out what in the hell you all have to say that had to be said RIGHT NOW), so you'll all just have to wait for tomorrow for any witty comments on your posts from me.

Once again, I repeat: GAH!


Caroline said...

*LOL* I know EXACTLY what you mean! My Google Reader is scary when it's been neglected, and I am just OCD enough that I can't just "mark as read" without actually reading everything.

Phyllis Sommer said...

you should try 6 days...oy.

tripleZmom said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've been ignoring most of my reader for a week as I've been too busy and/or too exhausted and today, my day to "catch up", I have four freaking hundred posts to read. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!